3D Metamorphosis Animation
3D Metamorphosis Animation Read More »
Introduction This design portfolio blog post will explore how Edward Tufte’s five theories were implemented into the final 3D metamorphosis animation. A series of screenshots will communicate each stage of the design development process across Autodesk Maya, Photoshop, Illustrator and Premier Pro. 3D Design Development in Autodesk Maya The final design development process can be
Introduction This design portfolio blog post will explore Edward Tufte’s five design theories and demonstrate how the theories will be put into practice throughout the final 3D metamorphosis animation. Edward Tufte’s Five Theories The five theories that will be put into practice include, Use of Colour The use of colour is an extremely important part
Visual Design Treatment Read More »
Introduction This design portfolio blog post aims to develop a storyboard for the 3D metamorphosis animation flyby of Stonehenge made of Swiss cheese, advertising a new crisp brand. The storyboard must convey the overall message of the animation and communicate keyframes and significant manipulations throughout the animation. Developing a storyboard for the final 3D animation
Animation Storyboard Read More »
Introduction This design portfolio blog post aims to develop a conceptual metamorphosis 3D animation idea that fits the design brief, (Create a flyby of Stonehenge that is made of Swiss cheese). Secondary research will provide me with inspiration to design a purposeful 3D animation, gathering different imagery of Stonehenge and Swiss cheese will provide me
Conceptual Design Idea (Metamorphosis) and Research Read More »
Introduction This development blog aims to develop a conceptual stop-motion animation storyboard for the energy drink brand ZEST. The animation must compliment the energy drink and bring the flavours and packaging to life, demonstrating the consistent energy release through a series of conceptual transitions. It is important to consider how fast the animation moves through
Conceptual Energy Drink Animation Storyboard Read More »
Introduction This development blog aims to demonstrate working as a part of a team to develop a short stop-motion animation using artist mannequins. Completing this task will provide me with an understanding of how stop-motion animation is produced and how to work productively as part of a design team. Stop-Motion Animation I formed a group
Stop Motion Teamworking Evidence Read More »
Introduction This development blog aims to develop packaging for the energy drink ZEST. The packaging must compliment the logo, whilst communicating the overall goal of the drink and its nutritional information. The packaging must cater towards the target audience of over 60s. Therefore, it is important to factor in the manufacturing design of the bottle
Energy Drink Package Design Read More »
Introduction This development blog aims to develop a conceptual logo design for the new energy drink brand ZEST. Achieving a logo that signifies vitality and captivates individuals over the age of 60 will positively fulfil a gap in the already existing energy drink market. ZEST aims to encourage individuals who may suffer from age-related health
Conceptual Energy Drink Brand Logo Read More »