Relevant Animation History

First Animation – Fast Fashion: Drowning in Clothes.

Animation Link –

Figure 1 – A screen recording of the Fast Fashion: Drowning in Clothes animation, showcasing a transition relevant to my final design.

The first animation I decided to take design inspiration from is called Fast Fashion – Drowning in Clothes. The animation is based on the significant amount of clothing waste produced by the fast fashion industry, which has a detrimental impact on our environment. The concept delves into conceptual design, using clever transitions to keep the audience engaged. The animation takes the viewer on a journey around the world forming popular landmarks out of t-shirts which represent the amount of waste created by mass consumption. Developing my animation design I have been able to implement some properties of the production in a different manner. The final scene in my animation shows the world exploding into clothing representing how fast fashion and mass consumption is taking over the world.

Second Animation – Selfridges Hot Air: Material World.

Animation Link –

Figure 2 – A screen recording of the Selfridges Hot Air: Material World animation, showcasing a transition relevant to my final design.

The second animation I decided to take design inspiration from is a Selfridges advert called Hot Air: Material World. The animation aims to raise awareness on the benefits of sustainable shopping and offers alternatives to the damaging fabrics and production methods used in fast fashion. The animation is full of conceptual design transitions that help to tell the story and keep the audience engaged. Scenes merge together using transformations, such as the flower transforming into a stud on the jacket (0.17 seconds). My animation has been influenced by the Selfridges advert in many ways including the conceptual transitions, my design has multiple keyframes where one aspect transforms into another, helping the animation to flow as one without harsh breaks. I have also been inspired by the vibrant colour palette and style of animation used throughout the video. The style and colours are youthful and playful, which helps draw the younger audience in, which is important because most fast fashion consumers are of a younger generation.

Third Animation – Why is Clothing so Cheap? – A Film about Sustainable Consumption.

Animation Link –Why is clothing so cheap? – A film about sustainable consumption – YouTube

Figure 3 – A screen recording of the Why is Clothing so Cheap? animation, showcasing a transition relevant to my initial design process.

The final animation I decided to take design inspiration from is called Why is Clothing so Cheap? – A Film about Sustainable Consumption. The animation demonstrates the fast fashion industry’s unethical impacts and on the factory workers and the planet. The design is conceptual and uses red thread to transition through the scenes, the red thread being a conscious choice of colour as it can be used to represent danger, anger, pain, and more emotions the factory workers will be feeling producing fast fashion in an unsafe environment. The animation is relevant to my first initial animation design as it uses a red thread to transition through a couple of scenes in the beginning. I decided not to carry this design aspect over to my final animation because it didn’t fit in with the new concept of focusing on sustainability.


Fast fashion: Drowning in clothes (2020) YouTube. YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: February 24, 2023). 

Selfridges hot air: Material World (2017) YouTube. YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: February 24, 2023). 

Why is clothing so cheap? – A film about sustainable consumption (2018) YouTube. YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: February 24, 2023). 

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